Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Brooks' Song Analysis

“How Low Can A Punk Get?”
Written in 1983, this song was released on Bad Brains’ 2003 release, I & I Survive. Though a little more hardcore in nature, this song would never fail to be recognized as another fine example of punk rock. With its fast tempo, loud guitar, and rushed vocals, the song is completely unapologetic in nature, and doesn’t fail to fill the listener with the undeniable urge to throw a T.V. through a window and light something on fire.
An abrupt change of pace from the reggae-influenced sounds that Bad Brains is known for, we are given a raw vocal-delivery from lead singer H.R. that tells a frustrated account of a punk in peril: I didn't mean to rip off / I thought it was a get off in mine / I tried to make the scene off / The plan was doomed to set off on time.      
Though they themselves object to the term, Bad Brains was one of the very first hardcore bands on the scene. Hardcore, an offshoot of punk music is much darker, thicker, and faster than the classic punk music of The Ramones or The Sex Pistols; no doubt the kind of music Jack Rabid disliked within the punk culture. After all, the song is enough to send any group of young anarchists into angst-fueled body-slam frenzy.
One thing I found unique about Bad Brains is the fact that, besides putting out totally hardcore music, they’re avid followers of the Rastafarian movement. Upon looking at the album cover of I & I Survive, you can tell that they aren’t really aiming to intimidate like their contemporaries Black Flag. The album cover features no form of mutilation, gritty-looking artwork, or the like. They’re also much more technically proficient than most punk bands (they originally formed as a Jazz-Fusion ensemble), which could also be upsetting to “Punk Rock Conservatives” such as Rabid.
Bottom line: “How Low Can A Punk Get?” is a great example of hardcore music from true pioneers of the genre. They may not be four kids from New York in leather jackets singing about sniffing glue, but it’s some of the most punk rock sounds you’ll ever hear.
“Bruitist Pome #5”
            A complete change of pace from the last song, “Bruitist Pome #5” is every “true punk” fan’s nightmare. Filled with electronic instruments, a complete lack of vocals, and the incredibly rare use of a vibraphone, this song embodies the avant-garde, artistic side of punk music.
            Released by Swedish group Refused on their record The Shape of Punk to Come in 1998, this puts an emphasis on the next generation of hardcore punk bands (yes, contrary to this particular song, they are a hardcore band). Like Bad Brains, we see a much more mature approach to punk music, with an even greater emphasis on technically advanced, well thought-out material. This could be seen on their album cover, which features a clean-cut, professional approach, as opposed to earlier album covers such as Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols or The Clash.
            “Bruitist Pome” refers to a type of sound poetry, which is, as the name suggest, poetry without words, instead focusing on the sound of the words, instead of the words themselves. So, the fact that an instrumental song is called a “Bruitist Pome” makes sense.
            Though it’s incredibly odd for a punk band, “Bruitist Pome #5” is indeed a great example of the shape of punk to come. It’s different, it’s avant-garde, and it’s just one more exploration of the punk genre as an art form. However, once again, most would not see it as a “punk song,” but instead a prime example of post-hardcore or art punk.
“Pan Opticon”
            Moving even further forward, “Pan Opticon,” by contemporary punk band This Moment In Black History was released incredibly recently. In fact, most of their material was released around 2005-2008. The song features an even more hardcore approach, even coming close to the border of the likes of heavy metal. With a heavy guitar riff and the apparent sound of menacing darkness, this song represents just another step (or a giant leap away) in the land of punk rock.
            The song is more likely than not a reference to a panopticon, a type of prison, which would definitely account for its dark nature. This is only further stepping away from the mindset of listening to punk to ignore the problems one may face in day-to-day living, as the song is incredibly dark, and not really humorous whatsoever.
            As in the other two songs, this is also a great example of a punk band with technical ability that greatly surpasses that of their influences, “Pan Opticon” features a guitar solo, complex rhythms, and vocal harmonies. Once again, it’s plain to see that this song was very well thought-out and planned.
            However, the group still represents a large amount of the punk “message.” They make numerous references to the government, even featuring president Barack Obama on one of their album covers. Also, they embody the DIY attitude of many punks that came before them, producing and distributing albums all by themselves. However, that seems to be where the similarities end. True to form, I’m sure Mr. Rabid would be quite displeased with this particular group.
            The reoccurring theme I found within these groups is the fact that they all seem to embody the hardcore mindset, as opposed to the clowning earlier punk mindset of the late 70’s. They all push the envelope, and they all bring something new to the table. While Jack Rabid may not like it, I personally think it is a shining example of punk moving forward, even if that means taking on a few new forms.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Daniela's Song Analysis

“One Armed Scissor” by At The Drive In
                At the turn of the century, punk was not a new movement.  It was well-established as a musical style for the younger generation; however, more popular was punk’s offshoots. By 2000, punk developed into subgenres such as post-punk, new wave, pop-punk, ska-punk, and more. At the Drive In are rendered as post-hardcore, which is more musically dynamic and complex than what came before it, hardcore punk. Hardcore punk is an offshoot of primal punk, with darker lyrics and heavier guitar sound. It appeared in the late ‘70s with bands such as Black Flag and The Germs. ATDI appeared in the underground scene in the 1993, not “hitting it big” until they got signed in 1996. Their sound (in Relationship in Command) is more musically dynamic than typical fast-riff punk, but it is heavy and fast-tempo and raw. In the chorus the singer yells the lyrics, which are surreal, vague, poetic, and very violent (“Cut Away, cut Away/Send transmission from the one-armed scissor /Cut away, cut away/ Banked on memory/Mummified circuitry, skin graft, machinery, sputnik sickles found in the seats”). The cover art is bright and high-contrast, which alludes to the original punk movement (examples are the Sex Pistols’ Never Mind the Bollocks and The Clash’s London Calling); however the single’s cover art is dark, gloomy, and monochromatic, which alludes to the hardcore movement. In both covers, a rocking horse is featured. That may allude to Vanham’s punk as “childish” theory (however he perhaps means more in a teenage rebel sense than a child sense.)The title of the song “One Armed Scissor” is violent, which is also a hardcore/punk characteristic.

“I and I Survive” by Bad Brains
Bad Brains’s “I and I Survive” is a powerful song—but not in the punk in-your-face way. It’s heavily reggae influenced with its slow beat, heavy bass, and skank rhythm.  That’s almost the opposite of typical punk rock, but reggae and punk joined together because of their mutual tendency to be outcast from society. “I and I Survive”’s lyrics are very peaceful and powerful, addressing topics such as the poor being empowered despite the “rich man hoarding all the money.” The cover art for this single is African-influenced with natives playing congo drums on the cover, and a white policeman seemingly after them. The writing is graffiti-style, which is a symbolism of a defy-everything attitude—something that both punks and gang-members of the ‘80s undertook.
“Thirsty and Miserable” by Black Flag
In 1981, Black Flag released their first full-length album called Damaged. It eventually made its way up to Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Albums of All Time” list. “Thirsty and Miserable” is one song on there that highly encompasses the punk spirit. With its shouted vocals, heavy riffs, and simple and fast guitar, this song, along with others on the album, escalated Black Flag’s status to a true hardcore punk band. The cover art is very dark and violent, again representing the hardcore scene. The lyrics are straight-forward and brash—and very negative in spirit (“Thirsty and miserable/you drop to the floor/you drink until you can’t see anymore”). This crude violence is what punk rock (and especially